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Lighting can tell stories, set the mood and create unique experiences. This is why lighting should always be part of the package when you plan your next show, event or installation.


At Create This we have more than 14 years’ experience with lighting. We are inspired by nature and the contrasts of architecture. We join your projects with an open mind and lots of fresh ideas. We say what we mean and mean what we say, and we love creating new concepts and ways of doing things. Our timing and precision will generate a huge impact on the crowd.


Because, in essence, it is all about the crowd – about adding to the experience for the audience who come to your show expecting to be blown away. We want the guests to leave the show feeling inspired and like they got more than they bargained for. We believe that lighting can add that extra layer – that extra something special on top that makes people remember your show and keeps them coming back.


We can’t wait to create memorable experiences for your guests!



Theis wermuth

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+45 2580 6501 




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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story.

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